Our Updated Charitable Policy Skip to content
The Medicus Group LTD Logo - a shield with an M in the centre to show trust and strength in our designs.The Medicus Group LTD Logo - a shield with an M in the centre to show trust and strength in our designs.
Our Updated Charitable Policy

Our Updated Charitable Policy

Our Current Giving

Since starting before any sales we committed to a portion to charitable causes. We chose neglected tropical diseases as it affects over 500 million people and it's diseases that already have cures and treatments. Maximising our impact.

Moving Local

As of this post we are moving to taking a portion to directly use on projects related to the medical field. We want to have a real tangible impact on the ground. We are super excited to post about it and be able let everyone whole purchases a scrub cap helps support the work of front line workers.

We will be reaching out to our past customers each month with a few options and projects to donate to. Keeping everyone involved makes it even more valuable.


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